all services Offered internationally via Skype, Zoom & FaceTime!

Kady is a pure spirit and brings many gifts to her work. She is a carrier of ancient wisdom and a very powerful healer, channel, teacher and artist. Her abilities to access and bring forth messages with clarity and love are extraordinary!

She is a bright and loving light that carries powerful medicine and is here to awaken you to your full potential.
— KW

Shamanic Healing 

$125 per 60 Minute Session

Do you seek to reunite with the essence of your authentic and truthful purpose? 

As a conduit ‘between the worlds’, it is my job to assist you in reawakening to your power for conscious self-exploration, release and realignment. My specialization is supporting clients through complex trauma, using many modalities including ancient energy techniques like imprint removal, soul retrieval, and plant spirit medicine. I am honored to assist you in realigning back to your authentic, sovereign self.  

Thank you for your trust, your willingness and your commitment to healing as we share in the journey to reclaim the sacred self together.

Past Life Regression

$175 for a 90 minute session

As time continuously loops inwards on itself, our experiences of past, present and future become a circuitous moment of time that can be accessed in deeper levels of consciousness. All realities that have ever been created, encountered or imagined exist concurrently. Remembered 'other' lives are important because they teach us about the pieces of learned cumulative knowledge and how you’re meant to incorporate those teachings into your present lifetime. This is a wonderful opportunity to delve into an important and multidimensional piece of who you are to understand yourself from a more cosmic perspective.

Aside from being someone you can’t help but like, Kady is a remarkably gifted intuitive and channel. She is extremely clear and versatile - able to easily work with groups as well as individuals. It is obvious that the universe chose Kady to do this work.
— Rhonda

Personal Shamanic Journeys 

$125 per 60 minute Session  

The art of journeying is a gift that keeps giving across all of Time and Space. Being able to access your OWN internal guidance is a blessing that I am honored to facilitate on your behalf. In this session we discuss the clarity or healing that you are seeking from the journey and carefully provide a grounded approach to entering into your own consciousness using a traditional drumming technique. Together we journey to retrieve lost soul pieces, reclaim your power, access your personal guides or animal totems, and deep your connection to self. 

House and Land Ceremonies

$300 for a 2 hour clearing and blessing

When the Home and Earth are not in alignment, dis-ease or heaviness can occur, creating imbalance within the environment. Through ceremony and re-connection with the land we create a lasting balance and harmony between our Earth Mother and the sanctuary that our Home represents. Clearing, blessing and creating Crystal Grids around your home, business or land harmonizes your property with the highest level of frequency. Whether you wish to release old energy or bless a new home, I am honored to offer my services!

Divine Transmissions 

$125 per 60 Minute Session

As a pure channel for many Divine Beings, I receive clear insight and guidance to assist you on the often dizzying journey through the labyrinth of life.  To 'walk between the worlds' and speak with beings in ascended form is a blessing that all beings on this Earth share. Many hear the calling but few trust in their divine gifts. I am honored to provide a clear conduit for communication with any being in higher dimensional frequency and love that you wish to receive clarity and guidance from.

These sacred transmissions can be life-changing! 

I was amazed at the things Kady communicated to me—there was no doubt in my mind that she really was connecting with my guides. I’m excited about what the future holds and I feel renewed and hopeful about the new path I am on!
— Alison

Personal Pilgrimages, Private events, Apprenticeships, and Ceremonies

Whether a Birth Blessing, private group event or ceremony, a sacred union, pilgrimage or apprenticeship, contact Kady for a personal quote! 

Kady is an ordained minister and ready to assist you on your path of discovery!