Where are you on the Hero's Journey?

Combining Mythology and Shamanic Healing

Drawn to global mythology for most of my life and with years of study into a kaleidoscope of shamanic lineages, 'Mythic Shamanism' and 'Mythic Healing' were born out of a need to express the fundamental Truths that are shared across Earth.


Myth is a language that is shared by everyone.

In the beginning, there was the word. From the enchanted sounding of primordial creation all things came into existence.

Piece by piece our story was whispered, spoken and sung from every fibre of the material universe.

Joseph Campbell's 'monomyth' is a foundation for this intuitively created healing work. After a lifetime of global study, he came to understand that within every myth is the same core story, archetypal language, characters and transformative stages. Their application within our own life story helps us better aclimate to the initiatory process that every Human Being undergoes to attain our highest potential.



What stories are you creating?

What stories were created for you?

How can You transcend your old story? 

Healing is a very intimate and personal experience and Kady provides a safe and compassionate space for deep healing and loving expression.
— Sara

I have had the honor to know and work with Kady and I can affirm to her beautiful gifts. Be ready! You WILL shift, move and heal your life in leaps and bounds!
— Karen

Everyone has a story.

We tell our stories in every moment, often unconsciously. The behaviors and habits that we learned in childhood inform us for many years to come. If we can understand the archetypes in our lives we can walk with purpose. 

When we get lost in the story, we often feel trapped, fearful and victimized by our personal mythos. 

We are never off the ‘path’. Our journeys from birth to death are a labyrinth of twists and turns that invite us to go within. We must listen to the symbols woven into the fabric of our reality. Every moment asks us to pay attention. We can align ourselves to the Mythic reality in which our own personal journey unfolds–seemingly as magic.

Only you have the ability to heal and transform into the potential that you see within. It is an honor to assist you in reclaiming your power and navigating through the waters of confusion, fear, and pain.

As in all sacred Myth, ultimately it is the journey that informs our greatest embodied role: to BE.

Thank you for your trust, your willingness and your authenticity as we share in the pilgrimage to reclaim the sacred together.  

A healing session with Kady is wonderful. During the sessions, I feel totally peaceful and relaxed. Afterwards, she always explains what she sensed happening in my body and what work she did to help re-balance my energy. She is always right on target with her assessment. Kady is amazing!
— JS


Working in harmony with the wisdom of the ancient ones, it is my role as shamanic healer to re-harmonize the Earth, animals and human beings to one another utilizing the elements, ascended wisdom and other worldly energies. If there is a root imbalance in any one of these essences, from the macrocosmic planetary scale down to the microcosmic cellular scale within a human vessel, there will be emotional, mental or physical crisis that occurs to remind us of our sacred power to heal ourselves and the planet. 

It must be recognized that truly YOU are the healer, and the ability to do so quickly and without suffering resides within you. I am a reflection of the healer within all of us reminding you of your own truth, authenticity and healing capabilities. As a conduit ‘between the worlds’, and a mirror, it is my job to assist you in reawakening to your power for conscious self-exploration, release and realignment. This is done through an intuitive, energetic process that is unique to every single person I work with—often alongside your own ancestors, spiritual guides, Angels and Ascended Beings who provide further insight and assistance during the healing session.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
— Joseph Campbell


Why Is Experiencing The 'Other Worlds' Meaningful?

Differing perspectives of the same truth and experience create the necessary duality that we all live and operate within in our understanding of reality. From the vantage point of Quantum Physics EVERYTHING IS ENTANGLED. All matter both seen and unseen, physical and non-physical, local and distant are sharing a common ‘God Particle’ as scientists often colloquially refer to it. This ‘God Particle’ is the vibrational frequency, or waves of energy, that are shared by all matter from the tiniest piece known as a quanta to the greatest galaxies of our multi-verse.* In fact, Einstein was so perplexed by this seemingly interconnected web of energy that he referred to quantum entanglement as, “spooky action at a distance”. 

As we are interconnected with all of time and space, non-physical energy and each other at all times, beginning to strengthen and heighten our capacity to see, hear and interact beyond the physical reality plane is vital to our understanding of our True Selves. Everyone has the ability to interact with these other realities, and many are realizing this potential. It is the job of those who can 'walk between the worlds' to teach, enlighten and empower the collective consciousness in remembering this important skill for self-actualization.

If we can remember that we are bigger than just our bodies and our physical expression, we will shift our understanding of consciousness as well as change the current meaning of our life and story. 

*For more information on quantum entanglement and how science and spiritual traditions blend on an in-formational level I highly recommend the book ‘Science and the Akashic Field’ by Ervin Lazslo.