Every Story is a work in progress and a masterpiece...

As a Priestess, a Mother, an Initiate and a voracious Student of Life, my journey of becoming is being sculpted every day.

I have been blessed with many magical life experiences that have called me onto this ‘path of becoming'. Blending science and spirituality through my healing, teaching, intuition, and sacred artwork has become my life's purpose. My gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience provide me with the ability to 'walk between the worlds' to access insight into the root of a physical, energetic or emotional imbalance. 

From a young age, a passion for connecting with the energies of the Crystals and Nature Spirits further awakened my intuition and capabilities to work alongside beings in spirit across many dimensional worlds. Divine synchronicity intervened in my early 20's calling me back into Shamanic service as remembered across many lifetimes.

As a Pampamesayoq or 'Earth-Keeper' Initiated into the shamanic teachings of the Q'ero in Peru, I intuitively blend this ancient Earth-based Inkan lineage with the magic of my ancestral heritage as Priestess of the Keltic mysteries. Using remembered techniques from multiple lifetimes and many cultures I am honored to re-align all who call upon my services with unconditional love and non-judgement. 

Kady is a woman with incredible gifts. I am so grateful for all the help and support she has given me. She exudes such a light, pure, gentle energy. Just being in her presence lifts my mood immediately.
— Joyce

For many lifetimes I have been called into the service of healing our Earth Mother's energetic ley lines, vortexes and the crystalline template that holds the intention and vibrational consciousness of the planet in balance. Through visiting international sacred sites and places of ancient power, I am a channel for the energy of the Earth holding ritual, ceremony and sound circles to honor and harmonize the land.

I offer international healing retreats, channeled tours of sacred sites and labyrinth ceremonies for all who feel called to assist in this deeply fulfilling Earth Work.

Kady offers a transcendent, nurturing energy in her work as a channel and healer that is anchored in her knowledge of life’s effortless perfection. I always appreciate her clarity and vibrancy when I see her. Kady is a reliable consultant and radiant teacher that I would recommend everyone experience and enjoy!
— Martha

I am the Goddess incarnated into a Human Body. I am a Standing Stone that walks the Earth. I am the spray of the sea and the Ocean’s tides. I am the breath of creation. 

Initiatory Rites Received

All Initiatory Rites are ‘seeds’ of potential that have been energetically planted into the luminous energy field and the physical body within it. They act as living transmissions that reorient ones purpose and service on Earth and prepare the initiate for deeper levels of interaction with Spirit. Each transmission also further activates the ability for an initiate to be a carrier of spiritual teachings passed down over thousands of years. This establishes a Permanent connection between the shamanic lineage and the initiate that now acts as an emissary between all worlds and realities on behalf of one’s community. 

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Mesayo'q (Mesa Carrier Initiation)

Pampa Mesayo'q (Earth Keeper Initiation)

Nusta Karpay (Goddess Rites Initiation)

KotoKuna Karpay (Star Rites Initiation)

Q'ero Lineage of Peru (2010 – Present)

Degrees & Certifications

B.A. Theatre Studies: Storytelling

Emerson College, Boston

Certified Reiki Teacher/Master

Usui Shiki Ryoho Lineage

Ordained Minister 

Universal Life Church